Community Parent Groups
OPACC works with local community groups across the Province to build a network of local community-based Parent Support groups to ensure that families are supported once they are back home.
Learn how you can sponsor a local support group here!
OPACC-affiliated groups:
OPACC Hamilton
Currently only offering online support through Facebook group here.
Facilitator: Emily Hammond
OPACC Niagara
Currently only offering online support through Facebook group here
Facilitators: Emily and Marty Hammond

OPACC Kitchener-Waterloo
Facilitators: Lisa Skinner and Helen Robertson
Tel: 519-208-8647 (Lisa)
Meeting dates (monthly): See poster
Meeting location: Knox Waterloo, Room 205/206

Don't see your location listed above? Interested in starting a group in your own community? Please contact us and we'll help you get started!
What can OPACC provide new groups?
Years of experience in helping to set up parent support groups, including Parent Facilitator training, mentor support, and advice
Regular promotion of your group to our thousands of member families through monthly e-blasts, social media postings, a listing on our website, and through our in-hospital Parent Liaison program
Establish a fund for your group so that any donations made will be credited to your group for use to support the group
Issue tax receipts for donations made to your OPACC group fund
Comfy Cases pillowcases
We can help your group members access all OPACC programs such as Parent Liaison, Hospital Parking, Gift Cards, Hospital Meal Vouchers (at SickKids only), Comfy Cases, Million Dollar Smiles, Kids Up Front event tickets, etc.
What can't OPACC provide?
We encourage facilitators to reach out to their local community who may be able to sponsor some of your costs, provide you with in-kind and monetary donations for the group, etc.
Involvement in the day-to-day planning and running of your group
Printed materials
Running your website or social media page
Providing giveaways for your group
Communicating with group members on your behalf (aside from the monthly group update e-blasts)
Finding you a meeting venue
Running ads for your group
Other community parent support groups (not affiliated with OPACC):
BrainWAVE Pediatric Support Program
About: A support program for families with a child (19 years of age or younger) with a brain tumour. Through the program, BrainWAVE offers you and your child/teen the opportunity to connect with other families in a similar situation and to obtain much-needed support, information and education.
Tel: 1-800-265-5106
Cancer Chat Canada
Cancer Chat provides free and professionally-led online support groups for Canadians affected by cancer, including patients, survivors and family members. Cancer Chat online support groups are suitable for those who are unable to attend a professionally-led face to face support group because they live in a rural area or have a busy schedule of medical appointments or caregiving duties. Groups meet once a week for 90 minutes, for about 10 to 12 weeks, in a live "chat" room on the Internet. Learn more at
Candlelighters Simcoe Parents of Children with Cancer
Location: Barrie, ON
Facilitator: Cheryl Gotthelf
Meeting dates and times: First Monday of the month from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Meeting location: Gilda's Club, 10 Quarry Ridge Road, Barrie
Tel: 705-305-4653
Location: London, ON
About: Childcan hosts informal parent support group sessions, providing parents with the opportunity to gather and support one another.
Tel: 1-800-966-0631
Dads With a Purpose (DWAP)
Location: Ottawa, ON
About: Informal group of childhood cancer dads that meet to support each other
Meeting dates and times: Last Friday of every month at 6PM
Meeting location: Hometown Sports Grill, 1525 Bank St., Ottawa
Hearth Place
Location: Oshawa, ON
Facilitators: Janette and Carolyn
Meeting date and time: Fourth Thursday of the month from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Meeting location: Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, 86 Colborne Street West, Oshawa
Tel: 905 579-4833
Email: (pre-registration is required)
Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer
Location: Sudbury, ON
About: Mike Squarzolo is a parent of a cancer survivor and a member of the NOFCC Board of Directors. Mike is available to any family for a one on one discussion. Group support sessions are available if the need is there. Please contact Mike to set up an appointment or if you need support or advice at any time.
Tel: 705 929-4527