2015 Ooch/POGO Survivor ConferenceJun 1, 2015Camp Oochigeas and POGO present the 3rd Life After Childhood Cancer Survivor Conference, a gathering for survivors of childhood cancer aged 19 and over (October 2015).For more information, please click here: http://www.pogo.ca/programs-support/survivor-care/survivor-conference-2/#sthash.chHfz4hZ.dpuf
Camp Oochigeas and POGO present the 3rd Life After Childhood Cancer Survivor Conference, a gathering for survivors of childhood cancer aged 19 and over (October 2015).For more information, please click here: http://www.pogo.ca/programs-support/survivor-care/survivor-conference-2/#sthash.chHfz4hZ.dpuf