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OPACC requests representation for childhood cancer survivors in Cancer Care Ontario's fourth Ont

OPACC has sent a letter to the President & CEO of Cancer Care Ontario requesting representation for childhood cancer survivors in Cancer Care Ontario's fourth Ontario Cancer Plan. The Ontario Cancer Plan is a roadmap for how Cancer Care Ontario, healthcare professionals and organizations, cancer experts and the provincial government will work together to reduce the risk of Ontarians developing cancer while improving the quality of care and treatment for current and future patients. You can read more about Cancer Care Ontario and their current plan (OCP III) on their website here.

You can read a copy of the letter OPACC sent here. We will post any reply we get to this webpage.

Update 8/13/14: We have received a response to the letter, to read it please click here.

Update 9/26/14: We have been invited to meet with CCO in November.

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