Government Provides New Tax Relief to Caregivers
- The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, reminded Canadian families of a new federal tax credit that came into effect on January 1, 2012, to assist them in caring for their loved ones.
Read more here:
- The Canadian Cancer Society and other Canadian organizations came together last month to applaud the federal government for its new Family Caregiver Tax Credit. The tax credit, which came into effect on January 1, allows family caregivers taking care of an ill family member to claim an enhanced amount for a dependant under one of the existing dependency-related tax credits.
The new tax credit could translate into as much as $300 per family for 2012.
Read more on the position of the Canadian Cancer Society here: /CW-Media%20releases/CW-2012/Care%20giver%20press%20conference.aspx?sc_lang=en