Sep 26, 2024
The unseen struggles of single parents navigating childhood cancer
Parenthood is often seen as one of the most challenging roles, but when childhood cancer becomes part of that reality, the demands and...
Jan 26, 2024
A Parent's Journey: Supporting an Adult Child Battling Cancer
As a caregiver for your adult child and their family, you must prioritize your health to remain strong enough for your caregiving role....
Oct 30, 2023
Impact of childhood and adolescence cancer on family caregivers
The physical demands of caring for children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer, over a lengthy period, exert significant strain on the...
Sep 25, 2023
How you can support a parent who has a child with cancer
Parents whose child receives a cancer diagnosis are going to need support in a variety of ways. Read more:
May 17, 2023
New study identifies bereaved parents’ medical priorities for children with advanced cancer
A new study helps identify what parents prioritize for their children with advanced cancer, including alleviating the child’s symptoms...
May 4, 2023
Caring for adult children with cancer: 4 tips for parents
But what do you do when your adult child receives a cancer diagnosis? What’s the best way to support them then, at age 25, 35 or even...
May 3, 2023
Study explores psychosocial needs of African American parents of children with cancer
Strained finances and material hardships are among significant psychosocial stressors facing African American parents of children with ...
Sep 11, 2019
16 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Childhood Cancer
"No parent should ever hear the words, “Your child has cancer,” but unfortunately many do. In 2019, 11,060 children in the United States...
Apr 16, 2019
How Parents Use the Internet to Cope With a Child’s Cancer Diagnosis
Study results presented at the Oncology Nursing Society 44th Annual Congress described how parents use the Internet to build a support...
Apr 3, 2019
Parental Survivorship of Childhood Cancer - A Tough Road
In a recently released article in Pediatrics, Dr. Hannin Salem and a team of researchers based in Denmark have taken a thought-provoking...