Oct 25, 2012
OPACC welcomes two new members to its Board of Directors
OPACC is proud to welcome Vicki Hartman and Marlene Oleiro as new additions to our Board of Directors! You can read their bios on the...
Oct 10, 2012
OPACC is recruiting for its Board of Directors!
Ontario Parents Advocating for Children with Cancer (OPACC) is an independent registered charity whose overall goal is to be the parent...
Sep 14, 2012
OPACC's James Thomson joins CCAN Membership Engagement Committee
From the September 2012 CCAN newsletter: CCAN Membership Engagement Committee begins its work The recently formed CCAN Membership...
Sep 6, 2012
Thanks to New York Fries
A big thank you to New York Fries for donating free product coupons to OPACC! Susan is currently distributing these at the Tuesday...

Sep 6, 2012
Kids Caption Contest
One of Sarah Mueller's (our new graphic designer) designs that we have been using is this little boy with the IV pole, which we would...
Sep 6, 2012
New OPACC binders and tote bags
OPACC is proud to present our new Health & Wellness Record Document Organizer binders and spiffy tote bags! Pick up your free binder to...
Sep 6, 2012
Welcome Sarah Mueller of The Design Truth to the OPACC Family
You may have noticed that some of our materials now have a fresh, colourful, child-friendly look to them. We would like to thank Sarah...
Sep 4, 2012
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month event at Sick Kids
OPACC will once again have a booth at this year's Childhood Cancer Awareness Month event at Sick Kids hospital. The event will take place...
Aug 17, 2012
OPACC's involvement with new EI legislation - how it may affect you and what you can do to help!
The federal government recently announced that it will create a new employment insurance (EI) benefit for parents who need to take time...
Jun 28, 2012
OPACC and Child Life Reflection Letters Project
Dear Parent, As members of Child Life and OPACC, Ontario Parents Advocating for Children with Cancer, we are writing to request your...