Jan 21, 2014
Finding Flexible Work Difficult for Cancer Patients and Caregivers
A 2013 Léger national survey of cancer patients and their caregivers, commissioned by Sanofi Canada, sheds new light on the striking...
Jun 10, 2013
Employment Insurance special benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children
Beginning June 9, 2013, eligible parents who take leave from work to provide care or support to their critically ill or injured child can...
Feb 5, 2013
Economic evaluation analysis indicated imbalance in pediatric cancer treatment
Applying economic evaluation tools, such as cost and cost-effectiveness analysis, to pediatric cancer treatments demonstrated an...
Nov 27, 2012
POGO "Money Matters" booklet available for download
Download a free copy of POGO's new "Money Matters" booklet here. In addition, our Parent Liaison at Sick Kids, Susan, also has copies...
Nov 7, 2012
CCAN launches report: Financial Hardship of Cancer in Canada: A Call for Action!
The Canadian Cancer Action Network (CCAN) and the Canadian Cancer Society - Manitoba Division have launched the report, Financial...
Aug 17, 2012
OPACC's involvement with new EI legislation - how it may affect you and what you can do to help!
The federal government recently announced that it will create a new employment insurance (EI) benefit for parents who need to take time...
Aug 8, 2012
EI benefits extended to families of seriously ill children
The federal government intends to follow through with its promise to create a new employment insurance benefit for parents who need to...
Mar 6, 2012
Government Provides New Tax Relief to Caregivers
- The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, reminded Canadian families of a new federal tax credit that came into effect on...