Jan 31, 2017
‘It’s Not An Even Playing Field’: How Financial Instability Takes A Toll On Cancer Patients
"The bottom line is, your financial situation affects your chances of beating cancer," Tardif says. "If you have financial resources, you...
Nov 22, 2016
Parents of children with cancer see income dips and loss of employment
Even accounting for social and economic status, having a child with cancer is tied to income reductions for parents and job...
Mar 16, 2016
Many cancer survivors face financial hardships
Almost a third of cancer survivors experience financial burdens which can have lasting effects on their physical and mental health and...
Feb 23, 2016
Childhood leukemia patients from low-income areas relapse earlier, study finds
92% of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in high-poverty areas relapse less than 36 months after remission compared with only...
Jan 12, 2016
Government of Canada increases duration of Employment Insurance compassionate care benefit
GATINEAU, QC, Jan. 4, 2016 /CNW/ - The Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, today...
Oct 20, 2015
Keep finances healthy when confronting a serious medical issue
At a time when great strides are being made in the fight against most forms of pediatric cancer, a new study shows that one of the...
Oct 7, 2015
Children's cancer treatment takes financial toll on families
The study found that about one-quarter of families of children being treated for cancer lost more than 40 percent of their total...
Sep 24, 2015
Childhood Cancer Devastates Family Finances, Too
Although money may be the last thing a parent worries about after a child is diagnosed with cancer, new research shows that a cancer...
Jul 3, 2015
One family's experience with the CRA and disability
One of our families has experienced the following issue and we are seeking feedback from other families who may have had the same...