Examining outcomes in children with Down syndrome and acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Children with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and experience higher rates of...
Oct 30, 2023
Childhood acute leukemia survivors with Down syndrome at higher risk for late mortality
Childhood acute leukemia survivors with Down syndrome had increased risk for late mortality not attributable to cardiac- or subsequent ...
Mar 8, 2022
Mortality Risk Later in Life May Be Increased in Childhood Leukemia Survivors With Down Syndrome
Patients with Down syndrome have an increased risk for leukemia during childhood, and toxicities related to treatment may be more common...
Jan 5, 2022
Risk of Leukemia in Children with Down Syndrome
Leukemia is the most common childhood cancer. Although advances in treatment have led to high cure rates of childhood leukemia,...
Oct 7, 2021
Can leukemia in children with Down syndrome be prevented?
For the first time, Princess Margaret researchers have mapped out where and how leukemia begins and develops in infants with Down...
Jul 12, 2021
Children with Down syndrome, ALL at higher risk for poor outcomes
Children with Down syndrome and acute lymphoblastic leukemia continue to experience poorer outcomes than children with ALL who do not...
Jun 3, 2020
Top 10 Parenting Tips: Childhood Cancer + Down Syndrome
Children with Down syndrome often face a magnitude of health related issues. Navigating through disability with additional special...
Sep 3, 2015
Down Syndrome's Link To Leukemia Risk Lies In The Genes, Study Finds
For nearly a century, doctors have known that children with Down syndrome face a heightened risk of developing acute lymphoblastic...
Apr 22, 2014