Jun 8, 2012
CT scans could triple risk of a brain tumour in children
Thousands of children every year who undergo head scans triple their risk of developing leukaemia or a brain tumour, scientists warn....
May 22, 2012
Folic acid may reduce some childhood cancers
Folic acid fortification of foods may reduce the incidence of the most common type of kidney cancer and a type of brain tumors in...
May 15, 2012
Children's brain tumors more diverse than previously believed
Paediatric brain tumours preserve specific characteristics of the normal cells from which they originate – a previously unknown...
Apr 9, 2012
Glioma peptide vaccine shows early hints of efficacy
Generally, childhood cancers can be fairly treatable. However, some brain cancers, such as malignant astrocytomas of the brainstem and...
Mar 6, 2012
World’s first Australian clinical trial may provide a glimmer of hope for children with brain tumour
Australia: Last resort and a ray of hope for children with brain tumours is expected to be provided by clinical trials being carried out...
Feb 3, 2012
Mom's Night Out for moms of children with paediatric brain tumours
Friday, February 24, 2012 • 7pm -10pm in Brampton (Wellspring Chinguacousy, 5 Inspiration Way) You are invited to a quiet evening of...
Jan 30, 2012
Cancer Sequencing Initiative Discovers Mutations Tied to Aggressive Childhood Brain Tumors
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Jan. 29, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - Washington University Pediatric Cancer...