Mother seeks additional funding for childhood cancer research
London, Ont. mother Kim Vander Schelde is fighting for the Canadian government to increase the funding towards childhood cancer research....
Apr 17, 2019
London mom files landmark complaint in child cancer research battle
In what appears to be a first in Canada, a London mom is taking on the federal health agency that funds cancer research, claiming age...
Mar 19, 2019
Advocating for Your Child: How much is too much?
When you are in the heat of the battle fighting for the life of your child, nothing at the time feels as though it is over the line. ...
Oct 29, 2015
Hospital parking survey
Last year, OPACC participated in a roundtable discussion with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and other community organizations...
Mar 11, 2015
OPACC requests representation for childhood cancer survivors in Cancer Care Ontario's fourth Ont
OPACC has sent a letter to the President & CEO of Cancer Care Ontario requesting representation for childhood cancer survivors in Cancer...
Jun 30, 2014
Attracting Large Scale Philanthropy for Childhood Cancer
It always amazes me when I read about the mind-blowing "large-scale" philanthropic investments that are made to some of the various...
Mar 11, 2014
Family Guy, Brian Griffin and the Childhood Cancer Equation
Excerpt: As I type this piece, over 120,000 people have signed a petition to bring Brian Griffin back. 120,000 people have been so moved...
Dec 2, 2013
The Failed Arms Race of Childhood Cancer
Imagine for just one minute this scenario: A super-power sending its soldiers off to defend itself with 18th century muskets against a...
Oct 3, 2013
Altering the Message of Childhood Cancer
It is a frequently quoted survival statistic that is utilized by many in the cancer world and beyond. We are told that eight out of ten...
Sep 6, 2013
Childhood Cancer Advocacy and Direction: The Tail Wagging the Dog
Lately, I have wondered whether or not the childhood cancer community is on the right track overall. By this, I mean, is the direction of...
Aug 5, 2013