The No Man's Land of Teen Cancer
Teens with cancer fall into a nebulous space between childhood and young adulthood, and they tend to suffer the most for this. A study by...
Oct 13, 2015
Importance of balanced diet and physical activity during and after cancer treatment in adolescent pa
Adolescents diagnosed with cancer are at increased risk for current and future health problems and premature death. As such, it is...
Oct 9, 2014
Healing Teenage Cancer’s Scars
The teenage years can be tough enough under the best of circumstances. But when cancer invades an adolescent’s life, the challenges grow...
Aug 26, 2014
New movie portrays teen cancer unrealistically, expert says
A new movie, “The Fault in Our Stars” paints an unrealistic image of young patients with cancer, according to pediatric oncologist at the...
May 26, 2014
Helping young patients ‘graduate’ from children’s hospitals to adult care
Making that fresh start is not always easy. Children with chronic illnesses often “crash and burn” when they move to the adult system,...
Mar 25, 2014
American Cancer Society special report: Cancer Facts and Figures, 2014, Special Section: Cancer in C
American Cancer Society special report: Cancer Facts and Figures 2014, Special Section: Cancer in Children & Adolescents Read here:...
Feb 4, 2014
When treatment fails: the challenge of supporting adolescents and young adults diagnosed with termin
When treatment fails and there is a terminal diagnosis, all of these age-related issues are exacerbated for the young people, their...
Sep 19, 2013
The Twelve Most Common Cancers Affecting Young People
Growing older is one risk factor that increases the chance of getting cancer. However, cancer can strike younger people as well. The...
Apr 25, 2013
When the Cancer Patient Isn't a Kid Anymore
CHICAGO – Every parent of a teenager has heard some variation of the demand, "Stop treating me like a kid!" The same can be said for...
Aug 17, 2012
Teens battling cancer have unique challenges
While these cancers are still uncommon, the rate among teens has been steadily rising 2 percent a year for the last 25 years. Equally...
Jan 13, 2012