Stroke and Stroke Recurrence May Increase Mortality in Pediatric Cancer Survivors
Stroke and stroke recurrence may be associated with increased mortality and negatively impact health related quality of life (HRQOL)...
Dec 27, 2019
'What price life?' At a cost of hundreds of thousands a dose, novel cancer-killing drug spar
"The high-ticket price is part of a larger question. 'How much are we willing to pay to survive disease, and how much are governments...
Dec 20, 2019
Researchers discover a new mechanism in childhood kidney cancer
"To execute their respective manuals, the cells employ so-called chromatin reader proteins that identify which gene is up for expression....
Dec 20, 2019
First map of circular DNA in childhood cancer
"An international team of researchers, led by Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New...
Dec 17, 2019
Promising new approach to treating some of the worst types of leukaemia
MLL-r leukaemia claims the lives of many of those affected, while those who survive are often left with serious long-term effects. Read...
Dec 12, 2019
Immunotherapy drug improves outcomes for some children with relapsed leukemia
New findings from a clinical trial show that treatment with the immunotherapy drug blinatumomab is superior to standard chemotherapy for...
Dec 11, 2019
Why The Obsession With A Universal Cure For Cancer May Be Harming Research And Patients
"So why can’t we strive for one universal cure for cancer? Because cancer is not one disease, it is broadly 200 different diseases, each...
Dec 9, 2019
Root of childhood kidney cancer discovered
"A fundamental change in our understanding of the childhood kidney cancer Wilms' tumour is on the horizon, after the discovery of its...
Dec 6, 2019
Neuroblastoma: Improved treatment prospects in future
"A research team led by molecular pathologist Lukas Kenner from MedUni Vienna's Department of Pathology has now discovered, through...
Dec 3, 2019
A step forward in the struggle against neuroblastoma, a type of childhood cancer
A study published by experts from the University of Seville and IBiS shows that the protein CD44 can contribute to the aggressive...
Nov 28, 2019