A new urgency to protect survivors of childhood cancer
One of medicine’s greatest successes is the sharp rise in survival rates for children with cancer. But the flip side of that success is...
Dec 28, 2016
Grassroots Funding Imperative for Childhood Cancer Research
For adult cancer, over 50% of funding for drug development comes from pharmaceutical companies. For kids, that percentage is almost 0....
Dec 28, 2016
FDA Officials Call for Including Adolescents in Adult Oncology Trials
A team of officials at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are calling for a "culture shift" by drugmakers, regulators and clinical...
Dec 21, 2016
Survival After Pediatric Cancer: Reducing the Lifetime Burden
More children now survive cancer and go on to live years, or even decades, into adulthood. But this silver lining has a cloud: late...
Dec 20, 2016
New clinical study for children with AML aims to kill leukemia cells and minimize cardiac damage
Cooper is leading a new nationwide clinical trial, conducted within the Children's Oncology Group (COG), for children and adolescents...
Dec 19, 2016
Herpes virus linked to most common type of childhood cancer
Newborns with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV)—a common virus in the herpes family—may have an increased risk of developing acute...
Dec 16, 2016
I Survived Childhood Cancer - And Spent Two Decades Thinking I’d Never Be A Mum
I’m 39 now, and I’ve had a lot of late effects as a result of cancer treatment, for example, it weakened my heart. But for me, by far the...
Dec 16, 2016
UT Southwestern study shows fasting kills cancer cells of common childhood leukemia
UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have found that intermittent fasting inhibits the development and progression of the most...
Dec 16, 2016
Scientists find three subgroups in a children's brain cancer, identify druggable targets
Multi-institutional researchers investigating an incurable brain cancer in children have discovered three distinct subgroups of disease...
Dec 16, 2016
Environmental causes of childhood cancers 'grossly underestimated'
Even when the treatment modalities have improved dramatically, especially for childhood leukemia, the Holy Grail remains the prevention...
Dec 16, 2016