How one couple’s loss led to a push for psychological care for kids with cancer
The standards, published in a special issue of the journal Pediatric Blood and Cancer, are a road map for health-care providers from the...
Jan 4, 2016
Determining Inherited Risk for Pediatric Cancers Can Benefit Patients and Families
A recent study highlights the importance of looking for inherited cancer genes in children with pediatric cancers. Read more here:...
Dec 24, 2015
Holidays, Happiness and Heartbreak
Every person's grief is unique. How you choose to honor the passing of a loved one is up to you. If I could say one thing to others...
Dec 18, 2015
Battle Scars
Maya Stern is a 26 year old long-term cancer survivor. Dealing with people's often inappropriate comments about her scars has been...
Dec 18, 2015
UK scientists develop new method to diagnose and monitor rare childhood cancer
In research part-funded by Cancer Research UK, scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed what they hope could provide an...
Dec 18, 2015
Promising new results from immunotherapy
After about five years of testing in humans, an experimental cell therapy that boosts the immune system continues to produce long...
Dec 18, 2015
Personalized strategies critical for childhood cancer
Genomic tools are helping to guide the search for new insights into uncommon childhood cancers like pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia...
Dec 18, 2015
Children with childhood leukemia benefit from prophylactic antibiotics
Prophylactic antibiotics significantly reduce the risk of serious bacterial infections in children during the critical first month of...
Dec 18, 2015
Genetic variants tied to increased risk of bone complications in young leukemia patients
Research led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has identified genetic variations in young leukemia patients that are associated...
Dec 18, 2015
The End of Pediatric Cancer Research as We Know It
It's time for 'the pediatric cancer research machine' to help childhood cancer survivors thrive. Read more here:...
Dec 18, 2015