Courage Capes

It’s a bird,
It’s a plane,
In every sick or injured child, is the heart of a hero, full of strength and bravery. They need a cape to showcase their heroism and courage. They need a Courage Cape!
Courage Capes is a home-grown project started by a group of cancer mamas and their supporters in the Niagara Region around 2015 and brought to Ottawa in 2024 by a small group of committed volunteers. Courage Capes are handmade cotton capes that are lovingly sewn and donated by volunteers. All the volunteers donate their time and lots of fabric to the project.
Courage Capes are donated to the Ronald McDonald House (RMHCSCO) in Hamilton and the Ronald McDonald House in Ottawa . The Ronald McDonald Houses then give them out to children and siblings (and stuffy friends too!) that stay at RMH.

How Can You Help?
We are in need of:
Cotton fabric (quilting cotton, broad cloth, etc.). We use bright, plain colours and patterns
Sewing thread of all colours
Felt and webbing for decals
Funds to purchase fabric and sewing supplies. Donations can be made at the bottom of this page (select either Courage Capes Niagara chapter or Courage Capes Eastern Ontario chapter fund)

Would You Like to Join Us?
No experience necessary! Roles needed:
Cutters: Cut out patterns of capes or decals
Iron Ladies: Iron finished capes or iron-on decals
Sewers: Sew the day away!
Pinners: Pin cape fronts and backs together to be ready for sewing
You can join us on our next Courage Capes Day!
You can also cut/sew at home and donate to RMH on your own
Niagara Chapter:
Co-founder Emily’s son, Griffin, was fighting Rhabdomyosarcoma (cancer) in 2011 at the age of 2. A friend of the family made Griffin a Batman cape and gave it to him. He was very sick and was having trouble walking, and never wore the cape. When he was done his final chemo treatment, he sat up, put on his cape, and walked out of the ward! He waved at all the other patients and his favourite nurses as he walked by. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place. Emily thought to herself: Every sick child needs a cape…and so the Courage Capes Project was born (with lots of amazing help from Lynn Middleton, who is the brains and muscle behind the scenes)!
Courage Capes would like to thank its dedicated volunteers who make this project amazing. We would also like to welcome newcomers - please join us, we would love your help!

Groups of volunteers meet approximately twice a year and make a huge batch of capes to last until the next get-together. It is a full day of sewing, ironing, cutting, decal making, pinning, and ironing some more - it's definitely a labour of love!

Please contact OPACC at and they can get you updated Courage Capes contact info.
We also have a private Facebook group for our volunteers here.

Eastern Ontario Chapter:

For any questions, to volunteer, or donate, please email:
We also have a private Facebook group for our volunteers here.