Give Blood
Dominic (Brampton)
Did you know...? A child with cancer needs the help of 5 blood donors to support their care. A child with leukemia needs the support of 8 blood donors a week. Every donation can make a lifesaving impact on a child cancer patient!
OPACC is proud to be a Canadian Blood Services "Partner for Life" and you can now join our team when donating blood/plasma to help us reach our goal of at least 25 donations this year from OPACC supporters! That represents 75 lives saved, as one donation can typically save 3 lives.
If you've never donated before and are curious about how it all works and why it matters, take a look at our video presentation by a Canadian Blood Services representative below:
Please see the poster and video below for instructions on how to join our team when booking your appointment. When ready, click on the poster and you will need to login or create an account to join the team. If you have any questions or would like help with creating your own team to donate in honour or in memory of someone you love, please reach out to or DM.
Please note that donations can be credited to our team retroactively! Once you join our team, all of your donations done anytime during the calendar year will be added to our total team donations. You must register and join the team online so that your donation counts for OPACC (the staff can't register you in person when you go donate).